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景观房A Room with a View

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  • 原名:A Room with a View又名:看得见风景的房间
  • 年份:2007  地区:UK  类型:未知
  • 状态:超清720P / 08-26
  • 主演:Elaine Cassidy,Rafe Spall,Laurence Fox,Sophie Thompson,Timothy Spall,Elizabeth McGovern,Sinead Cusack,Mark Williams
  • 导演:Nicholas Renton
  • 编剧:Andrew Davies上映日期:2007-11-04语言:英语
一位出身英国书香之家的大家闺秀在佛罗伦斯旅行时,遇到英国青年乔治,乔治对她的倾慕令她禁不住心动,当露西和乔治在英国重逢后,露西的真情一发不可收拾,最后她冲破传统束缚,选择了跟她相爱的乔治作大丈夫 。
Plot Summary:It's the Edwardian era. The Honeychurches - Marian Honeychurch and her two just of age children Lucy Honeychurch and Freddy Honeychurch - are a carefree and fun-loving family that live in the country town of Summer Street, Surrey. Regardless, Lucy is a proper young woman. Some can tell by the way she plays Beethoven on the piano that there is a seething passion underneath her proper demeanor. She and her older cousin, her chaperon Charlotte Barlett, who is officious in a slyly undermining way, travel to Florence, Italy for a week-long respite. The Pensione Bertolini where they are staying is popular among British tourists. Among the disparate group of other British guests at the pensione are a Mr. Emerson, who Charlotte considers vulgar because of his forwardness, and his son, the bright but brooding George Emerson. As their stay progresses, George feels that Italian life is opening his eyes to what is important in life, and he feels the same is happening to Lucy. On a group outing, an incident occurs which both Charlotte and Lucy consider improper, which leads to the two leaving Italy early and heading back to England. Shortly thereafter, Lucy gets engaged to the upper crust and passionless Cecil Vyse. And Mr. Emerson moves to Summer Street, with George visiting on the weekends. As George befriends the Honeychurches, Lucy begins to tell a series of lies, mostly to herself, about what and who she really wants for and in her life.
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发布于 资源名称 类型 大小 下载
2019-05-12 看得见风景的房间(2007)-英语1080P.mkv 1080 2.53GB 下载
发布于 资源名称 类型 大小 下载
2019-05-11 A room with a view (2007) Masterpiece theatre (mov 未知 700.67MB 下载


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