获奖的电影制片人玛丽安卡普兰分享她的儿子到小学毕业在这种强烈的个人成长与阿斯伯格综合症,社会不当行为特点的高功能自闭症的形式纪录片的斗争。里面的男孩,12岁的亚当,因为他试图拼命控制自己的爆发,使恶霸在现实世界中,女孩和生活感。成为一个越来越普遍的神经系统疾病的一个罕见的洞察力,这部影片是一个家庭的故事上的优势,因为他们努力克服世界现在才开始认识到自闭症的形式。 by Google translate
Plot Summary:The is a documentary about a family and the impact autism has on their lives. One of their children, Adam, has autism, but we learn that it impacts their entire family. Adam can be difficult at school and at home. His sister struggles to have him as a brother and at times would like to distance herself from him. His parents marriage is stressed by the demands of raising a child with autism. A good honest peek into their lives.