Kylie and Patrick both love food, but he's the professional. They both love Italy, but she lives there and speaks the language. Join them on an adventure to find out how Italians really ...
Plot Summary:Kylie and Patrick both love food, but he's the professional. They both love Italy, but she lives there and speaks the language. Join them on an adventure to find out how Italians really live and really eat. Arriving by helicopter or hitching a ride on a farm vehicle, they dine in Renaissance castles, spearfish off the Sicilian coast and learn to milk buffalo. Their challenge in each episode is to prepare a homemade meal for the locals using what they've learned, tasted and stolen - all in a day! Kylie's passion for Italy made her abandon a high-paid position as a magazine editor in Australia. Her love for food led her to Patrick's cooking blog. Patrick, having already given up his law career in London to become a chef, agreed to put his trust in a complete stranger as his guide through the length and breadth of Italy - and so the adventure began... When Patrick Met Kylie.