Plot Summary:Two stories, 14 years apart, converge in a suburb of New York. Manuel Esquema, an international financier, whose face is badly scarred, is flying from Miami to help a New York politician negotiate a plea bargain with the Justice Department. Years before, this financier was a fresh-faced cabaña boy at a Miami Beach resort who fell in love with a young woman on holiday with her husband. The husband is now the pol, and he thinks he dispatched the cabaña boy long ago. What are Esquema's plans: revenge, mercy, or a complicated plan to seek again the woman's love?
玉弓 • 美国版“秋海棠”搞人妻不要命
不知道大家还记得“秋海棠”的故事么,当年有人照着小说拍了个电视剧,竟造成了我童年的阴影。 秋海棠是个名伶,他和大军阀的女人爱上了,结果当然很悲惨,他被军阀抓起来,把他脸用刀割花了。我记得当毁容那一......