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  • 年份:2010  地区:中国大陆  类型:剧情 爱情 古装 
  • 状态:第36集 / 05-26
  • 主演:张钧甯,刘诗诗,袁弘,萧正楠,陈秀雯,郑佩佩,李倩,韩晓,刘松仁,郑国霖,戴春荣,唐一菲,李金铭,常铖,何建泽,郭晓婷,牛犇
  • 导演:李国立
  • 语言:汉语普通话 , 普通话,国语
故事发生在南宋末年。织女黄巧儿(张钧甯 饰)与皇女赵嘉仪(刘诗诗 饰)都倾心少将军林慕飞(袁弘 饰),伹林只钟情巧儿一人。皇帝强行赐婚致使慕飞出征躲避,嘉仪从此恨透了巧儿,连与巧儿青梅竹马的染房二少爷方宁(萧正楠 饰)都被打残双腿。此时传来慕飞战死沙场的谣言,信以为真的巧儿无奈嫁给了方宁。婆婆方戴氏(郑佩佩 饰)传授给巧儿染布秘笈,聪明的巧儿织造技艺更加长进,但残疾的方宁却常借酒醉之机虐待巧儿。痴情的嘉仪在慕飞之母王英(严永瑄 饰)帮助下,终于寻得沙场中的慕飞,声言与他战死沙场再不回宫。宋朝消亡后,慕飞对死心塌地跟他征战的嘉仪刮目相看,伹此时的方家却因不满元朝统治遭受了巨大灾难......
Plot Summary:Born in a poverty-stricken family, Huang Qiao'er lost her parents at an early age. She was raised by her aunt, who taught her textile arts. While growing up in a weaving mill, Huang develops a close bond with the neighboring dyehouse owner's son, Fang Ning, who is in love with her. The outstanding results produced by Jinxiu Mill's weavers earn them an opportunity to work in the palace. Through her friendship with the emperor's niece, Zhao Jiayi, Huang is able to access the palace's library thus gaining more knowledge of her craft from its collection beyond of what she has learned from her aunt. However, the Jinxiu Mill's weavers also become embroiled in a power struggle between the emperor's concubines, in addition to their rivalry with the Iridescent Cloud Mill's weavers, who are also working there.While in the palace, Huang falls in love with General Lin Mufei, at the expense of sacrificing her friendship with the princess. Lin himself also rejects the princess's affections, due to his prejudice against the imperial family members resulted by their corruption despite his vows to protect Song Dynasty in additions of being in love with Huang. However, Fang Ning has his legs crippled while saving Huang from being raped by Zhao Zhe, a corrupt official, during Lin's absence as he's in the battlefield. Feeling guilty for Fang's plight and hearing rumours that Lin had been killed in battle, Huang decides to marry Fang out of pity for him. However, Lin has actually survived and he becomes heartbroken when he sees Huang marrying Fang. This complicates the love triangle between him, Huang and Zhao Jiayi.
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2019-05-11 CTVHD.A.Weaver.on.the.Horizon.Complete.720p.HDTV.x x264/720 40.71GB 下载
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2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】天涯织女迅雷下载.2010.5.55gb.torrent 未知 5.55GB 下载



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